400 KV Al-Faw Substation and OHTL

Project Description

The project (Al-Faw substation 400/132/11 KV) comprises the following:
1. 400 KV substation consisting of five bays of breaker-and-half configuration to make ten feeders; six for the overhead transmission lines and four for the 4 Auto-Transformers 400/132/11 KV, each with a capacity of 250 MVA (total capacity of 1,000 MVA).
• Phase Power Transformer Model: TL 1950 C
• Year: 2014
• Standard: IEC 60076
• Type of Oil: Ergon Hyvolt I
• Rated Frequency: 50 Hz.
• Method of Cooling: ONAF
• Temp Rise of Oil Max: 50K
• Temp Rise of Average Winding: 55 K
• Ambient Temperature Max: 50 Degree
• Hot Spot: 68 K
• Vector Group Single Phase I A0 I0
• Vector group three phase YN A0 D11
2. Four Auxiliary Transformers 400 KVA-11/0.4 KV (Type: OCREV, Made in Italy, 1000 KVA, Frequency: 50 Hz., Year: 2019, Voltage: 11 / 0.4 KV, Vector Group: Dyn11)
• Equipment of the substation (400KV, 132 KV, G.I.B.) are of G.I.S. type
• Equipment brand type is GE “Alstom”
• Protection equipment brand type is “Micom” France

3. Electricity Project for the Gulf connection of the section in Iraq.
• It consists of two parts:
First Part:
o Extending, wiring, and installing 400 KV towers for a double line.
o It starts from Safwan area in Basrah and ends in Al-Faw 400 KV Substation in south of Basra next to the Arabian Gulf.
o The line (87 Km long) consists of 225 towers and only 27 tower foundations have been implemented so far.
o This line enhances the electrical capacity with 500 MW.

Second Part in Al-Faw 400KV Substation
o Installing two reactors and their accessories of CVT, CT, SA, GIB, as well as other systems of protection, control devices, and wiring AC, DC cables. The aim of installing reactors is to improve the power factor, as long power lines result in voltage increase which changes the power rates.


  • Electrical


  • Construction supervision





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