From the onset, ECG was built on rock-solid values that fuel our passion to do good to the world and to set a stellar example for future generations to follow.

We would not be where we are today if it weren’t for our dedication to the local and global communities we serve, our constant cultivation of a positive corporate culture that respects each and every individual, and our commitment to the conservation of the environment.
For these reasons our Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) program has been attuned to the 17 Sustainable Development Goals set by the United Nations for 2030, and we have integrated these goals and measures into all our practices at both the engineering and managerial levels.
Our seven pillars of sustainable development are:
Corporate Governance
We at ECG believe in the necessity of adopting a corporate culture that contributes to the resolution of social issues. In doing so, we systematically incorporate CSR perspectives in our decision-making process and business operations
Human Rights
At ECG we fully understand that our human resource is our greatest asset. That is why we are keen on closely observing internationally proclaimed human rights laws and endorsing equal opportunities and treatment of all employees, business partners, and clients.
Employee-Focused Culture
ECG’s corporate culture puts great emphasis on the wellbeing of employees and systematically engages them in the decision-making process associated with CSR. We promote the professional development of all personnel and passionately work to maintain a strong team spirit across all corporate branches and project sites.
Environment Awareness
ECG is committed to the conservation and enhancement of the environment. All projects undertaken by us employ the best practices to alleviate any negative impact on the environment, particularly in terms of the quality of air, soil, and other components of the ecosystem.
Fair-Operating Practices
ECG implements fair-operating practices that are in accordance with the rule of law. Accountability, transparency, and honesty are key governing principles across all our operations.
Client Issues
ECG pays a lot of attention to detail and works hard to meet the needs of the modern world, its communities and individuals. One such example is incorporating the needs of individuals with physical, auditory, and visual disabilities into all our engineering designs.
Involvement in Community Development
ECG is committed to the national efforts aimed at combating poverty and promoting sustainable development in underprivileged communities. In parallel, we take great pride in supporting the professional development of Egyptian engineering graduates through our “University to Work” initiative.